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Governor Models

We have expertise in providing light and heavy weight variants in Governor Models. Products offered under this category covers different models of Watt's Governors, Governor Models With Rotator, etc., which are high quality base mounted governors. These centrifugal governor range we offer helps you pick the right governor suiting your exact application needs. All models are offered only after thorough quality evaluations and checks and feature intelligently designed, rust resistant bodies. Complete design of these governors are made employing CAD/CAM system.

Product Image (MTS-101155)

Rotating Arrangement

Price: 100 INR/Unit

Rotating Arrangement : Microteknik is Manufacturer, Exporter & Supplier of Rotating Arrangement. Suitable for rotating any of the above (605 & 606) governor model.

Product Image (MTS-101160)

Cross Head

Price: 100 INR/Piece

Cross Head : Microteknik is Manufacturer, Exporter & Supplier of Cross Head. Aluminium alloy cast and properly constructed model. Complete with guide.

Product Image (MTS-101159)

Stuffing Box

Price: 10 INR/Piece

Stuffing Box : Microteknik is Manufacturer, Exporter & Supplier of Stuffing Box. In two parts, showing stuffing box and gland, an all metallic and properly constructed section cut model mounted on base.

Product Image (MTS-101154)

Governor Model

Price: 10 INR/Piece

Governor Model : Microteknik is Manufacturer, Exporter & Supplier of Governor Models. All metallic working models, chromium plated and highly finished. (A) Loaded Governor. (B) Porter Governor. (C) Hartnell Governor.

Product Image (MTS-101158)

Eccentric Model

Price: 10 INR/Piece

Eccentric Model : Microteknik is Manufacturer, Exporter & Supplier of Eccentric Model. Sheave and strap are in two parts, fastened with bolts and lubricator.An all metallic and properly constructed model.

Product Image (MTS-101157)

Throttle Valve

Price: 10 INR/Piece

Throttle Valve : Microteknik is Manufacturer, Exporter & Supplier of Throttle Valve. An all metallic section cut model to demonstrate the working of the system.Complete mounted on base.

Product Image (MTS-101156)

Governor Models With Rotator

Price: 10 INR/Piece

Governor Models With Rotator :

Product Image (MTS-101153)

Watt's Governors

Price: 10 INR/Piece

Watt,s Governors : Microteknik is Manufacturer, Exporter & Supplier of Watt,s Governors. Simple conical pendulum type are supplied in three forms. Large and heavy size models. Chromium plated and highly finished. (i) Ordinary. (ii) Early. (iii) Cross arm.


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