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Fluid Machines Equipments

Our Fluid Machines Equipments range is designed & engineered to precision to deliver safe and reliable usage. Products like Kaplan Turbine Test Rig and Cavitation Demonstration Unit we offer under this category are made in line with customer demands and align with the latest techniques. All national and international quality standards are duly followed while fabricating these Fluid Machines Equipments we offer that we also sell at highly competitive rates for buyer convenience. Besides, all equipment are built to assure a longer functional life.

Product Image (MTS-3522)


Price: 100 INR/Piece

Product Specification Material: Mild Steel Finishing Type: Powder Coated ISO Certified: AN ISO 90012015 Product Description: Item code: MTS-3522 Our company offers optimum quality Orifice and Mouthpiece Apparatus at the most reasonable market price. This apparatus is manufactured under the supervision of expert professionals, using best quality raw materials. The apparatus manufactured by us is used for the purpose of measuring fluid flowing through an open channel. Offered apparatus is exclusively demanded in various hydraulic industries for accurate performance and hassle-free installation. Experiments: To determine the co-efficient of discharge of different Orifice and mouthpiece Utilities Required: Electric supply 0.5 kW, 220V AC, Single Phase Water supply Tap water connection  BSP Distilled water @ 60 liters (optional) Floor Area with Drain facility Technical Specifications: Sudden Enlargement: From 13 mm to 23 mm Sudden Contraction: From 20 mm to 16 mm Electric supply: 0.5 kW, 220V AC, Single Phase

Product Image (MTK-310PT)


Price: 100 INR/Piece

A Pitot tube is used to measure the local velocity at a given point in the flow stress. A pitot tube of standard design made of copper/SS is supplied and is fixed below vernies scale. The vernies scale is capable to measure the position of Pitot tube in transparent section. The pipe has a flow control valve to regulate the flow. A U-tube manometer is provided to determine the velocity head. Present set-up is self-contained water re-circulating unit, provided with a sump tank and a centrifugal pump etc. Flow control valve and by-pass valve are fitted in water line to conduct the experiment on different flow rates. Flow rate of water is measured with the help of measuring tank and stop watch. Product Specification Phase: Single Phase Material: Stainless Steel Current: 5-15 amp Frequency: 50Hz Voltage: 220V AC Floor Area Required: 1.5 x 0.75 m

Product Image (MTK-39VMOR)


Price: 1000 INR/Piece

Voltage: 220-240V Body Material: Mild Steel Measuring Tank: 32 Liters Throat Diameter: 16 mm Sump Tank: 100 Liters Orifice meter Material: Clear Acrylic Compatible to 1 Inch

Product Image (MTS-3342JR)


Price: 100 INR/Piece

We are counted among the most prominent manufacturers, traders and exporters of high quality Impact of jet of vanes. Designed in compliance with industry leading parameters, it is used to study the forced developed of a jet of water on different surfaces and to compare it with momentum theory. Offered set up consists of visible test enclosure, supply tank, measuring tank and pump for closed loop water circulation. Description The setup consists of a two sided clear fabrication section. Water is fed through a nozzle and discharged vertically to strike a target carried on a stem which extends through the cover. A weight carrier is mounted on the upper end of the stem. The dead weight of the moving parts is counter balanced by a compression spring. The vertical force exerted on the target plate is measured by adding the weights supplied to the weight pan until the mark on the weight pan corresponds with the level gauge. A total of two targets are provided, a flat plate and a hemispherical cup. Experimentation: To measure the force developed by a jet of water impinging upon a stationary object and comparison with the forces predicted by the momentum theory Utilities required: Hydraulic Bench

Product Image (MT-HB)


Price: 1000 INR/Piece

We are manufacture Export Quality Hydraulic Bench for Fluid Mechanics Laboratory. Hydraulic bench is a very useful apparatus in hydraulics and fluid mechanics. The Hydraulic Bench is designed as a portable and self-contained service module for the range of accessories to carry out experimentation on principles of Fluid Mechanics. Wide range of accessories are available for use with Hydraulic Bench that cover a number of experiments to study principles of fluid mechanics. The whole set-up is well designed and arranged in a good quality painted structure Experiment of Hydraulic Bench Bernoullis Theorem Apparatus Flow measurement by Venturimeter Flow measurement by Orificemeter Flow over Notch Orifice and Mouth Piece Losses due to Friction in Pipe Line Losses in Pipe Fitting Impact of Jet on Vane Study of Pressure Measurement Pitot Tube Free Vortex Apparatus Technical Specifications of Hydraulic Bench Water Circulation 1 HP Pump, Crompton Kirloskar make. Flow Measurement: Using Measuring Tank, Capacity 40 Ltrs. Sump Tank Capacity Stop Watch Electronic. Control Panel Comprises of: Standard make On off Switch, Mains Indicator, etc. Instruction Manual: An English instruction manual will be provided along with the Apparatus Tanks and Top Tray will be made of Stainless Steel.

Product Image (MTK-9745FT)


Price: 100 INR/Piece

Features Design and function of a Francis turbine Determination of torque, power and efficiency Graphical representation of characteristic curves for torque, power and efficiency Determination of mechanical output Determination of efficiency Recording of characteristic curves Investigation of the influence of the guide vane position on the power output Velocity triangles Specification Turbine Output: approx. 350W at 1500min-1, 270L/min, H=15m Max. Speed: 3000min-1, Rotor, 11 blades Medium diameter: 60mm, Distributor, 7 vanes Angle of attack: 020 Measuring ranges Torque: 09,81Nm Pressure: 04bar abs. Speed: 04000min DIMENSIONS AND WEIGHT L x W x H: 1000-x800 x 1200 mm Weight: 90kg

Product Image (MTFM-29)


Price: 100 INR/Piece

This accessory comprises a miniature Pelton wheel with spear-valve arrangement mounted on a support frame, which fits on to the Hydraulics Bench top channel. Mechanical output from the turbine is absorbed using a simple friction dynamo meter. Pressure at the spear valve is indicated on a remote gauge. A non-contacting tachometer may be used to determine the speed of the Pelton wheel. Basic principles of the Pelton turbine may be demonstrated and, with appropriate measurements, power produced and efficiency may be determined. Demonstration Capabilities:- Determining the operating characteristics, ie power, efficiency and torque, of a Pelton turbine at various speeds Technical Specifications:- Turbine wheel inside cast housing with acrylic panel to enable viewing Mechanical torque measured using dynamometer with spring balances Inlet pressure gauge Quick-release fitting for easy connection to Hydraulics Bench Educational software available as an option Speed range: 0-2000 rpm Brake power: 10W Pressure gauge range: 0-25 m H2O Force balance range: 0-20 N x 0.2 N Number of Pelton buckets: 16 Diameter of Pelton wheel: 123 mm

Product Image (MTK-974CA)


Price: 100 INR/Piece

The apparatus has been designed to demonstrate the phenomenon of cavitation. The present set-up consists of a test section made of Acrylic having conversion and diversion section. Pressure tapings at appropriate position are provided. This test section is having one control valve at upstream side to regulate the water flowrate. Two pressure gauges are connected to these taping which give the pressure readout at the time of flow passing through this test section. Present set-up is self-contained water re-circulating unit, provided with a sump tank, centrifugal pump etc. Water is pumped by means of centrifugal pump and passing through the test section, it returns back to the sump which make the system re-circulating type. Flow of water is diverted either to measuring tank or sump tank with the means of a flow diverter, when needed. Flow control valve and by-pass valve are fitted in water line to conduct the experiment on different flow rates. Flow rate of water is measured with the help of measuring tank with piezometer and stopwatch. The supplied set-up is complete in all respect. Only water supply and electricity supply is to be provided by the end user for running the set-up. Product Specification Test Section: Material Acrylic Pressure Gauge: 0-4 kg/cm2 Vacuum Gauge: 0-760 mmHg Water Circulation: By Pump, Crompton/Standard make. Flow Measurement: Using Measuring Tank, Capacity 40 liters Sump Tank Capacity: 60 Ltrs. Stop Watch: Electronic

Product Image (MTK-284CNR)


Price: 100 INR/Piece

The set up consists of a  bend and elbow, a sudden expansion & sudden contraction fitting from 15mm to 25mm, ball valve and gate valve. Pressure tapings are provided at inlet and outlet of these fittings under test. A differential manometer fitted in the line gives pressure loss of individual fittings. Present setup is self-contained water re-circulating unit, provided with a sump tank and a centrifugal pump etc. Flow control valve and by-pass valve are fitted in water line to conduct the experiment on different flow rates. Flow rate of water is measured with the help of measuring tank and stop watch. Sump Tank Capacity: 50 Ltrs Flow Measurement: Using Measuring Tank with Pedometer, Capacity: 25 Ltrs Manometer Fluid: Mercury (Hg) - 250 Gm Sudden Enlargement: From 15 mm to 25 mm Sudden Contraction: From 25 mm to 15 mm Bend: 1/2" Elbow: 1/2" Ball Valve: 1/2" Gate Valve: 1/2" Water Circulation: FHP Pump, Crompton Makes Pressure Drop Measurement: Differential Manometer Stop Watch: Electronic Control Panel Comprises Of: Standard Make On/off Switch, Mains Indicator, Etc.

Product Image (MTFM-101)


Price: 100 INR/Piece

Two motor-driven centrifugal pumps, mounted on a stainless steel plinth with a water reservoir and pipework for continuous circulation. The pumps can be configured for single pump operation, two pumps in parallel or two pumps in series by using manually operated ball valves. Similarly, manual valves are used to control the flow and facilitate the study of suction effects, including demonstration of air release. In parallel operation the two pumps draw from a shared inlet pipe of a wider diameter than the pump inlet, reflecting a typical industrial configuration of parallel pumping. Each pump has impellers that can be easily accessed and replaced without tools. This is delivered with three impellers in total one with forward curved blades and two with backward curved blades allowing the students to investigate the effects of impeller characteristics. Electronic sensors measure the pump outlet pressure of each pump the shared pump inlet pressure the flow rate and the water temperature

Product Image (MTFM-09)


Price: 100 INR/Piece

The Flow Meter Demonstration Unit is a self-contained facility to demonstrate the important characteristics of flow meters. The main elements are a service module and flow meter support stand. A self-priming centrifugal pump draws water from the sump tank in the service module and delivers it to a flow meter test pipe. Industrial type flow meters mounted in test sections can be fitted into the test pipe quickly and easily. These meters have been chosen to give a variety of different metering principles and degrees of sophistication and accuracy. Some of the meters are calibrated directly in units of flow, whilst others involve the use of calibration charts. The pressure drop across each of the flow meters can be measured by using either the one meter pressurized water manometer or the 0.5 meter mercury manometer supplied. Ported manometer connection valves ensure rapid bleeding of all manometer pipe work. A facility exists to admit air into the hydraulic stream to demonstrate the effect on the meter™s accuracy. The discharge from the test section is controllable and is fed through a diffuser into the channel of the service module. Demonstration Capabilities:- Comparing the use application and limitations of various types of flow meter Considering the implications of flow meter selection on performance, accuracy, convenience, cost and head loss Understanding the principles on which different types of flow meter are based Relating pressure drop across a flow meter to flow rate Using manometers to measure pressure drop Investigating the effect of air in the hydraulic stream on flow meter performance Understanding the application of Bernoulli™s Theorem Technical Specifications:- Maximum flow rate: 2.3 liters/s Reservoir capacity: 140 liters Volumetric tank capacity: 40 liters Nominal bore of pipe work: 38mm Length of removable test pipe: 750mm Pump motor rating: 0.55kW A self-contained apparatus to demonstrate the characteristics of flow meters used in measurement of water flow through pipes or open channels Service module with reservoir, volumetric measuring tank and pump Reference turbine flow meter permanently fitted Metering devices available in various combinations to suit coursework

Product Image (MT-0121FO)


Price: 100 INR/Piece

Offered by us are high-quality Flow over Notch to the esteemed customers, as per their specific requirements. These products are used for the purpose of testing and demonstrating the industrial machinery, thus, are highly demanded in the market. Our range of Flow over Notches is used to read and calculate the flow of water in metric units. Product Details: High-quality materials used Highly stable Extremely durable Reliable results Hassle-free flow of water all over the setup Robust shape

Product Image (MTK-3042GJ)


Price: 100 INR/Piece

Heleshaw App. is used to demonstrate the flow pattern of liquid for variuos types of models such as Circular shape, Square shape, Triangular shape, aero foil shap. ..etc.,

Product Image (MTFM-37)


Price: 100 INR/Piece

The Orifice Discharge accessory consists of a cylindrical clear acrylic tank which has an orifice fitted in the base. A traverse assembly is provided which enables a piton tube to be positioned anywhere in the jet. Attached to this piton tube is a fine wire which can be traversed across the jet to accurately measure the jet diameter and the vena contract diameter and so determine the contraction coefficient. The piton head and the total head across the orifice are shown on manometer tubes adjacent to the tank. In addition to the sharp edged orifice six additional orifices with different profiles are supplied. All orifices have a common bore of 13 mm for direct comparison of performance. Demonstration Capabilities:- Determining the contraction and velocity coefficients Calculating the discharge coefficient Technical Specifications:- Cylindrical clear acrylic tank with orifice fitted in base Seven interchangeable orifices Piton tube and wire-on micrometer to measure jet velocity and diameter Quick-release fitting for easy connection to Hydraulics Bench Educational software available as an option Traverse mechanism: Lead screw with adjusting nut calibrated 0.1mm per division Standard orifice: Sharp-edged 13mm diameter Max head: 365mm

Product Image (MT-101411A)


Price: 100 INR/Piece

Fluid Friction Apparatus Shows flow and losses in different pipes, fittings and valves. Shows popular flow measurement instruments. A space-saving vertical panel that works with Gravimetric or Volumetric Hydraulic Benches for easy installation Includes different valves, pipes and fittings to show losses Includes experiments on roughened pipes Shows laminar and turbulent flow Uses Bernoulli™s equation Shows how to use Venturi and orifice meters to measure flow Includes a traversing Pitot tube to measure velocity profile Fluid Friction Apparatus allows students to study flow, flow measurement techniques and losses in a wide variety of pipes and fittings. The equipment has three water circuits with instruments, pipes and pipe system components. These allow students to examine and compare the different component characteristics. A hydraulic bench (Gravimetric) or Volumetric, available separately) supplies the circuit with a controlled flow of water. A space-saving vertical panel holds all the parts for easy use. To measure pressure loss across components, students use a piezometer set and differential pressure gauge (included). To perform experiments students record the temperature of water in the hydraulic bench and set the hydraulic bench to pump water through a circuit. They measure pressure losses across instruments or components. The hydraulic bench gives an external flow rate for reference and comparison. The flow measurement instruments show students the common methods of measuring water flow. They also give applications of the steady flow energy equation (Bernoulli™s equation). Students use a Venturi meter and an orifice plate meter and compare the losses of each. They also find the losses in a rapid enlargement. The equipment also includes a Pitot-static tube. By traversing the Pitot across the pipe diameter, students can find the velocity profile and flow coefficients. They also find the relationship between the flow rate and pressure differential. An artificially roughened pipe allows students to study friction factor at different Reynolds numbers, covering the interesting transitional flow from laminar to turbulent. They can compare results to those predicted by Nickuradse™s results and a Moody chart. Standard Features: Supplied with a comprehensive user guide. Two-year warranty. Manufactured in accordance with the latest Indian Union directives.

Product Image (MT-101417A)


Price: 100 INR/Piece

Free and Forced Vortex Flow apparatus offered by us has been painstakingly designed by our team of expert professionals. This apparatus enables the researchers to determine the shape of the vortex profile. With the accuracy of the results it provides, this apparatus is very popular in the market. Created using optimum quality materials and cutting edge technology, this delivers flawless performance. We subject it to quality tests based on multiple parameters before making it available to the customers. Range Of Experiments To visualize the forced & free vortex phenomenon. To plot the shape of vortex profile i.e. vertical height vs horizontal radius.

Product Image (MTFM-28)


Price: 1000 INR/Piece

The Hydraulic Ram comprises an acrylic base incorporating pulse and non-return valves and a supply reservoir on a stand, which is fed by the Hydraulics Bench. An air vessel above the valve chamber smoothes cyclic fluctuations from the ram delivery the weights supplied may be applied to the pulse valve to change the closing pressure and thus the operating characteristics. Demonstration Capabilities:- Establishing flow/pressure characteristics and determining efficiency of the hydraulic ram. Technical Specifications:- Pump body manufactured from clear acrylic with stainless steel pulse and non-return valves. Adjustable acrylic header tank with inlet and outlet hoses. Outlet hose with variable head arrangement. Quick-release fitting for easy connection to Hydraulics Bench. Supplied with weights to load pulse valve. Educational software available as an option. Supply head: 300-700 mm variable. Delivery head: 750-1500 mm variable.

Product Image (MTFM-25)


Price: 1000 INR/Piece

The channel consists of a clear acrylic working section of large depth-to-width ratio incorporating undershot and overshot weirs at the inlet and discharge ends respectively. Water is fed to the streamlined channel entry via a stilling tank to reduce turbulence. Water discharging from the channel is collected in the volumetric tank of the Hydraulics Bench and returned to the sump for recirculation. A dye injection system incorporated at the inlet to the channel enables flow visualization in conjunction with a reticule on the rear face of the channel. Models supplied with the channel include broad and sharp-crested weirs, large and small-diameter cylinders and symmetrical and asymmetrical aerofoil™s, which in conjunction with the inlet and discharge weirs, permit a varied range of open channel and flow visualization demonstrations. Demonstration & Visualisation Capabilities:- Demonstrating basic phenomena associated with open channel flow Visualization of flow patterns over or around immersed object Technical Specifications:- Clear acrylic working section fed from stilling tank Six different models for investigation Dye injection system Quick release fitting for easy connection to Hydraulics Bench Educational software available as an option Dye injection needles: 5 Dye reservoir capacity: 0.45 L

Product Image (MTS-14022)


Price: 100 INR/Piece

Our organization is counted among the listed manufacturers, wholesalers and exporters of premium quality Bernoulli™s apparatus. Offered apparatus is precisely manufactured under strict supervision in compliance with industry laid parameters. These units consist of a rectangular transparent flow section through which water is to be flown. The velocity of water changes across the sectional area of channel changes. Experiments: To verify Bernoullis Theorem experimentally Utilities Required: Electric supply 0.5 kW, 220V AC, Single Phase Water supply Tap water connection BSP Distilled water @ 60 liters (optional) Floor Area with Drain facility Technical Specifications: Electric supply: 0.5 kW, 220V AC, Single Phase Inlet Tank Capacity: 20 Ltrs. MOC SS Supply Tank Capacity: 85 Ltrs. MOC SS Measuring Tank Capacity: 40 Ltrs. MOC SS fitted with Piezometer Tube & scale Piezometer Tubes: Material P.U. Tubes (9 Nos.)

Product Image (MTS-101255)


Price: 1000 INR/Piece

It is manufactured at our unit by using highest quality materials under the guidance of the experts. This is extensively used to illustrate laminar, transitional and fully turbulent pipe flows. It also determines the conditions under which the flow occurs. Reynolds Apparatus can be availed by our customers at an economical price. Features: Accurate result Enhanced functional life Easy to use Product Specification Frequency: 50 Hz Voltage: 220 Volt Phase: Single Phase Current: 5-15 amp

Product Image (MTS-101253)


Price: 100 INR/Piece

Metacentric Height Apparatus Complete with Collecting Tank: Micro Teknik For the purpose of providing the best Metacentric Height Apparatus to our clients, we use raw materials of the finest quality and strictly as per the set industrial standards, the quality standard never deteriorates. Made available in the market at a very competitive price, the offered product of impeccable functionality and efficiency, is one of the best available in the market. Technical Specifications: Pontoon: Size 300 x 300 mm (approx.) with a Horizontal Guide Bar for aliding weight and Removable Strips, Graduated arc with Pointer with moveable hanger And set of weights Water Tank: Size 550 x 500x 400 mm (approx.) Front Window of Tank: Made of Glass/Perspex A set of weights is supplied with the apparatus Instruction Manual: An ENGLISH instruction manual will be provided along with the Apparatus Tanks will be made of Stainless Steel Pendulum and graduated are for accurate measurement of Tilt angle

Product Image (MTFM-31A)


Price: 100 INR/Piece

The centrifugal pump is the machine most commonly used to move liquids from one place to another. As such it is a particularly instructive unit with which to introduce students to the whole subject of rot dynamic fluid machines. A motor driven centrifugal pump, mounted on a stainless steel plinth with a water reservoir and pipework for continuous circulation. The pump volute and the water reservoir are manufactured from clear acrylic for maximum visibility. Similarly the pipe runs are made from transparent PVC. Manually operated valves at the pump inlet and outlet allow control of the flow and also facilitate the study of suction effects. The pump volute has been designed so that the impeller can be easily accessed and replaced without tools. This is delivered with two impellers, one with forward curved blades and one with backward curved blades, allowing the students to investigate the effects of impeller characteristics. Electronic sensors measure the pump inlet pressure, the pump outlet pressure, the flow rate and the water temperature. Features:- Demonstration of a single-stage centrifugal water pump in operation. Measurement of inherent-speed pump performance, including production of characteristic curves: Pump total head Motor input power Impeller speed Overall total efficiency Introduction to pump speed laws. Investigation of impeller styles. Comparison of student calculations with computer results. Technical Specifications:- Max flow rate: 6 L/min typical Max head: 9.0 m Max pump speed: 1800 rpm Motor power rating: 180 W

Product Image (MTFM-23 )


Price: 100 INR/Piece

In the Orifice & Free Jet Flow accessory a constant head tank is fed with water from the Hydraulics Bench. The orifice is installed at the base of this tank by means of a special wall fitting, which provides a flush inside surface. The head is maintained at a constant value by an adjustable over flow and is indicated by a level scale. A series of adjustable probes enable the path followed by the jet to be ascertained. Demonstration Capabilities:- Establishing the coefficient of velocity for a small orifice. Finding the coefficient of discharge for a small orifice with flow under constant head and flow under varying head. Comparing the measured trajectory of a jet with that predicted by simple theory of mechanics Establishing the coefficient of velocity for a small orifice Finding the coefficient of discharge for a small orifice with flow under constant head and flow under varying head Comparing the measured trajectory of a jet with that predicted by simple theory of mechanics Technical Specifications:- Orifice diameters: 3.0 mm and 6.0 mm Jet trajectory probes: 8 Max constant head: 410 mm

Product Image (MTS-3523)


Price: 100 INR/Piece

We offer highly demanded Losses due to friction in pipe line at the most competitive market price. Manufactured in accordance with the industry laid parameters, offered apparatus is highly demanded around the globe. The setup is designed to study the losses due to friction in pipes of different diameters and materials. This consists of a set of 3 different pipe test sections, supply tank, measuring tank and pump for closed loop water circulation. Experiments: To determine the losses due to fiction in pipes Utilities Required: Electric supply 0.5 kW, 220V AC, Single Phase Water supply Tap water connection BSP Distilled water @ 60 liters (optional) Floor Area with Drain facility Technical Specifications: Pipes (2 Nos.): Material GI of  & 1 diameter. Pipe Test Section Length: 1 m. Instruction Manual: An ENGLISH instruction manual will be provided along with the Apparatus

Product Image (MTK-507PM)


Price: 100 INR/Piece

This is a board mounted model which demonstrates various types of pressure measurement devices used in common practice. The devices incorporated are: Single well Manometer Differential Manometer Sensitive Manometer Pressure Gauge Vacuum Gauge These devices are coupled to suction and discharge piping of Hydraulic Bench Pump and a close circulation systems is established, with this set up, the working and operating principle of the pressure measuring devices can be studied. Product Description Phase Single Phase Usage/Application Pressure Measurement Packaging Size Box Voltage 220 Volt Material Stainless Steel Automation Type Automatic

Product Image (MTFM-13)

Pipe Network Apparatus

Price: 100 INR/Unit

Pipe Network Apparatus: MTFM-13 The permanent arrangement of PVC pipes and fittings is mounted on a free-standing support frame designed to stand alongside a Hydraulics Bench in use. Connection is via a reinforced flexible tube and threaded union with ËO„ ring seal, enabling connection to the without the use of tools. Valves enable a wide range of different series parallel and mixed pipe configurations to be created without draining the system. MEASUREMENT CAPABILITIES Measurement of head loss versus discharge for different sizes of pipes Characteristics of flow through interconnected pipes of different sizes Characteristics of flow through parallel pipe networks Characteristics of flow through series pipe networks Application of doubling pipes on existing networks to increase flow rate Characteristics of flow around a ring main and the effect of changes in supplies and off-takes TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Specifically designed to allow the setting up of a wide range of different pipe arrays Pipe network mounted on free standing support frame for use alongside an Hydraulics Bench Clear acrylic test pipes are all 0.70m long with inside diameters of 1x 6mm, 2x 9mm, 1x 10mm, 1x 14mm Includes hand-held electronic pressure meter with self-sealing quick-release connections to the pipe network Flows into and out from the appropriate network can be varied individually Note: The content of the product and specification are subject to change without prior notice for continuous improvement. Images shown are for representation purpose only. “MICROTEKNIK keeps the right to modify the content in the product without prior notice.

Product Image (MTFM-42)

Series Liquid Manometer

Price: 100 INR/Unit

Series Liquid Manometer: MTFM-42 A range of manometers measuring differential water pressures up to approximately 12.5 m H2O. Scales are graduated in 1 mm divisions. DEMONSTRATION CAPABILITIES Low cost and easy to use instruments. Wide range of pressures accommodated using different manometer fluids. ** Note: The content of the product and specification are subject to change without prior notice for continuous improvement. Images shown are for representation purpose only. “MICROTEKNIK keeps the right to modify the content in the product without prior notice.

Product Image ( MTFM-09)

Flow Meter Demonstration Unit

Price: 100 INR/Unit

Flow Meter Demonstration Unit: MTFM-09 The Flow Meter Demonstration Unit is a self-contained facility to demonstrate the important characteristics of flow meters. The main elements are a service module and flow meter support stand. A self-priming centrifugal pump draws water from the sump tank in the service module and delivers it to a flow meter test pipe. Industrial type flow meters mounted in test sections can be fitted into the test pipe quickly and easily. These meters have been chosen to give a variety of different metering principles and degrees of sophistication and accuracy. Some of the meters are calibrated directly in units of flow, whilst others involve the use of calibration charts. The pressure drop across each of the flow meters can be measured by using either the one meter pressurized water manometer or the 0.5 meter mercury manometer supplied. Ported manometer connection valves ensure rapid bleeding of all manometer pipe work. A facility exists to admit air into the hydraulic stream to demonstrate the effect on the meter„s accuracy. The discharge from the test section is controllable and is fed through a diffuser into the channel of the service module. DEMONSTRATION CAPABILITIES Comparing the use application and limitations of various types of flow meter Considering the implications of flow meter selection on performance, accuracy, convenience, cost and head loss Understanding the principles on which different types of flow meter are based Relating pressure drop across a flow meter to flow rate Using manometers to measure pressure drop Investigating the effect of air in the hydraulic stream on flow meter performance Understanding the application of Bernoulli„s Theorem TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Maximum flow rate: 2.3 liters/s Reservoir capacity: 140 liters Volumetric tank capacity: 40 liters Nominal bore of pipe work: 38mm Length of removable test pipe: 750mm Pump motor rating: 0.55kW A self-contained apparatus to demonstrate the characteristics of flow meters used in measurement of water flow through pipes or open channels Service module with reservoir, volumetric measuring tank and pump Reference turbine flow meter permanently fitted Metering devices available in various combinations to suit coursework

Product Image (MTFM-39)

Large Angle Stability System

Price: 100 INR/Unit

Large Angle Stability System: MTFM-39 Large Angle Stability System is designed for the study of ship hydro statics and stability. A comprehensive manual provides hydro static stability and other data for ship models and includes a number of experiments which are useful to students. Exercises are conducted on a 1/70 scale model of a general cargo vessel of 28,000-tonne ship mass. Rolling, righting and the effects of flooding various compartments may be studied. DEMONSTRATION CAPABILITIES Inclining experiment Influence of a free surface Influence of a suspended mass Effect of flooding various compartments Rolling experiments TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Apparatus designed to enable students to study ship hydrostatics and stability Supply includes a water tank, a floating ship model, a dynamo meter and a clinometers The model supplied is a 1/70 scale model of a 28,000-tonne general cargo vessel It includes a number of transverse watertight bulkheads in representative positions The compartments are fitted with individual flooding valves The model is constructed of glass reinforced plastic (GRP) Models of other ships are available as optional accessories The dynamo meter measures the righting moment of the model It holds the model at any angle of heel within the range, with the model either free to trim or with heeling axis kept horizontal It exerts no vertical force on the model It is floor standing, with castors and is supplied complete with counterweights Battery powered clinometers measures the inclination of the model, over the range of 0-45 degrees Note: The content of the product and specification are subject to change without prior notice for continuous improvement. Images shown are for representation purpose only. “MICROTEKNIK keeps the right to modify the content in the product without prior notice.

Product Image (MTFM-14)

Compressible Flow Unit

Price: 100 INR/Unit

Compressible Flow Unit MTFM-14 The single-stage compressor is driven by an integral three-phase AC motor. The compressor speed can be varied using an advanced torque-vector frequency inverter which gives stable and accurate speed control plus direct electronic read-out of the torque produced by the motor. The compressor is fitted with an outlet duct incorporating a throttling valve which allows the flow to be varied independent from compressor speed. The equipment is supplied with a convergent-divergent test section fitted at the compressor inlet designed to produce Mach-1 velocity at the throat. The duct is fabricated from clear acrylic enabling the student to see the construction and the profiles. A pressure-sensing ring tapping is provided at the inlet, at the throat and at the discharge end of the diffuser. This duct allows all the major concepts of compressible flow to be demonstrated. The electronics console includes two high-range and two low-range differential pressure sensors plus a control for motor speed and displays for the compressor speed, the pressures and the motor torque. FEATURES Variable-speed air compressor with accurate electronic speed control Electronic pressure sensors Standard unit includes convergent-divergent duct designed to produce Mach 1 velocity at the throat Data logging option available Lower speed operation Integral motor with direct drive Reduced operating noise Reduced vibration levels TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS A bench top unit designed to demonstrate and teach the fundamentals of compressible flow to engineering students Fitted with a single-stage, side-channel blower Complete with convergent-divergent duct capable of achieving Mach 1 velocity at the throat Advanced torque-vector speed control of blower motor with electronic torque measurement Four electronic pressure sensors Test section made from clear acrylic Additional test sections available (6 off) complete with bench top stand Compressor test accessory available Data logging accessory available, complete with educational software and electronic temperature sensors Compressor speed : 3,300 rpm (max) Stages : 1 Motor Power : 55 kW Sensors: +/- 103.4 kPa 1 off

Product Image (MTFM-03)

Fluid Friction Measurements

Price: 100 INR/Unit

Fluid Friction Measurements: MTFM-03 Pipe friction is one of the classic laboratory experiments and has always found a place in the practical teaching of fluid mechanics. With this unit friction head losses in straight pipes of very different sizes can be investigated over a range of Reynolds„ numbers from 103 to nearly 105. This covers the laminar transitional and turbulent flow regimes in smooth pipes. In addition an artificially roughened pipe is supplied, which at the higher Reynolds„ numbers shows a clear departure from the typical smooth bore pipe characteristics. In addition to the equipment for the study of losses in straight pipes a wide range of accessories are included such as pipe fittings and control valves, a Venturi tube, an orifice plate assembly and a Piton tube. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Distance between tapings : 1 m Number of tapping points : 38 A unit for the detailed study of fluid friction head losses, which occur when an in compressible fluid flows through pipes, fittings and flow metering devices Four smooth-bore pipes of different diameters ranging from 4.5 mm ID to 17.2 mm ID Artificially roughened pipe 90 bends (large & small radii) 90 elbow 90 miter 45 elbow, 45 Y, 90 T Sudden enlargement Sudden contraction Gate valve Globe valve Ball valve Inline strainer Perspex venturi Perspex orifice meter Perspex pipe section with a piton tube & static tapping 38 tapping points All fixed pipes fabricated in stainless steel Suitable for studying Reynolds„ numbers from 103 to nearly 105 A system of isolating valves, quick release manometer connection valves and self-sealing pressure tapings ensure fast accurate results Data logging accessory Computer-aided learning program A user instruction manual provides installation, commissioning and maintenance data, together with student exercises The unit is designed for use with a Hydraulics bench

Product Image (MTFM-36)

Pitot Tube Demonstrator

Price: 100 INR/Unit

Pitot Tube Demonstrator: MTFM-36 EXPERIMENTAL CAPABILITIES Operation of a piton static tube and pressurized water manometer Velocity flow profile in a pipe Demonstration that the fluid velocity is proportional to the square root of the head difference between the total head and the static head TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Piton tube with scale to determine the position within the pipe diameter Includes pressurized water manometer with scale length 500 mm Approximate dimensions 1.0m x 0.55m x 0.23m Set of connecting tubes The piton tube can be moved across the cross-section of the pipe in order to measure the dynamic head profile. The position of the measuring tip relative to the wall of the pipe can be read on a scale. The piton tube is connected to a pressurized water manometer to measure the differential head across the piton static tube. It is designed for use with the Hydraulics Bench and includes compatible connecting tubes. ** Note: The content of the product and specification are subject to change without prior notice for continuous improvement. Images shown are for representation purpose only. “MICROTEKNIK keeps the right to modify the content in the product without prior notice.

Product Image (MTFM-41)

Vernier Hook and Point Gauge

Price: 100 INR/Unit

Vernier Hook & Point Gauge: MTFM-41 A mounting frame is clamped to a suitable support structure and a gauging rod is free to slide up and down over the water surface. A stainless steel hook or point is attached to the bottom end of the rod and is used to locate the water surface. Gauging is carried out by means of a primary scale attached to the mounting frame and a vernier scale attached to the rod. The scales are in edge contact. The rod is held in a screwed collar for fine adjustment and can be released for large, rapid changes of position. Zero can be reset by a locking screw positioned on the vernier scale. DEMONSTRATION CAPABILITIES Location of air-water surface boundaries with high resolution Measurement of slowly changing water levels in flumes and hydraulic models Measurement of mechanical deformation TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS A rugged low cost gauge for measurement of water surface position to ±0.20mm Mounting frame in enameled cast aluminum Gauging rod and adjusting mechanism in bright plated brass Supplied complete with stainless steel hook and point Ranges: 1: 150 mm 2: 300 mm 3: 450 mm Resolution: ±0.10 mm Typical accuracy: ±0.20 mm Repeatability: ±0.10 mm ** Note: The content of the product and specification are subject to change without prior notice for continuous improvement. Images shown are for representation purpose only. “MICROTEKNIK keeps the right to modify the content in the product without prior notice.

Product Image (MTFM-11)

Multi Pump Test Rig

Price: 100 INR/Unit

Multi-Pump Test Rig: MTFM-11 The equipment comprises a water reservoir and five pump positions (four active). Each pump position uses pipe work and sensors optimized to the type of pumps it is intended for. Positions 1, 2a and 2b are optimized for high flows at low heads, such as the rot dynamic pumps, whereas positions 3 and 4 are suitable for lower flows but higher pressures as obtained from the positive displacement pumps. Positions 2a and 2b are mutually exclusive as they share the same motor drive. Switching between any of the four installed active pumps is simple requiring only isolating valve changes and control panel selection. DEMONSTRATION CAPABILITIES Determining the effect of speed on the performance of pumps. Understanding the difference between rot dynamic pumps and positive displacement pumps. Understanding the effect of system resistance. Investigating the effect of suction losses on a centrifugal pump. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS For rot dynamic pumps: Pressure head vs. flow Power absorbed vs. flow Pump efficiency vs. flow For positive displacement pumps: Flow vs. pressure head Power absorbed vs. pressure head Volumetric efficiency vs. pressure head Contains five different pump positions (four active at the same time). Digital readout enables mounting of selected pump Centrifugal pump and gear pump supplied as standard Axial pump, flexible impeller pump, turbine pump, diaphragm pump, plunger pump and a second centrifugal pump are all available as accessories Series/parallel pump demonstrations can be performed with the second centrifugal pump option Control valve incorporated upstream of each pump to demonstrate the effect of suction loss on performance A PC is used to set the required speed of the pump(s) on test. A separate mimic diagram for the selected pump(s) on test displays the important measured and calculated variables Electronic measurement of flow, pressure head, suction head and motor torque Optional volumetric flow measurement system for reciprocating pumps Data logging and educational software included ** Note: The content of the product and specification are subject to change without prior notice for continuous improvement. Images shown are for representation purpose only. “MICROTEKNIK keeps the right to modify the content in the product without prior notice.

Product Image (MT-CFB)

Compressible Flow Bench

Price: 10 INR/Piece

Compressible Flow Bench

Product Image (MTS-14020)

Equilibrium Of Floating Bodies

Price: 10 INR/Piece

Equilibrium Of Floating Bodies: Micro Teknik is manufacture , exporters & suppliers

Product Image (MTS-14023)

Fluid Mechanics Lab Equipments

Price: 10 INR/Piece

Fluid Mechanics Lab Equipments: Micro Teknik is Manufacturer, Exporter & Supplier of Wholesale Fluid Mechanics Lab Equipments Suppliers Fluid Mechanics Models - Providing you the best range of Fluid Mechanics such as Computer Controlled Radial Flow Turbine, Hydrodynamics Trainer, Pipe Network Bench, Hydrodynamics Trainer / PC, Properties

Product Image (MTS-14019)

Pipe Surge And Water Hammer

Price: 100 INR/Piece

Pipe Surge And Water Hammer: Micro Teknik is manufacture, exporters & suppliers Exporters of Pipe Surge and Water Hammer Apparatus from India. We bulk supply Pipe Surge and Water Hammer Apparatus for tenders

Product Image (MTS-14007)

Flow Measurement Apparatus

Price: 99 INR/Unit

Flow Measurement: [1] different methods of flow rate measurement [2] measuring instruments: orifice plate flow meter/measuring nozzle, Venturi nozzle and rotameter [3] 6 tube manometers to determine the pressure distribution in Venturi nozzle, orifice plate flow meter and measuring nozzle [4] measurement of the total pressure with Pilot tube [5] flow rate determined by base module [6] water supply

Product Image (MTS-14025 )

Open Channel and Closed Channel Flow

Price: 100 INR/Piece

Open Channel and Closed Channel Flow: Our organization is counted among the listed manufacturers, wholesalers and exporters of premium quality open channel flow apparatus. Offered apparatus is precisely manufactured under strict supervision in compliance with industry laid parameters. Specification [1] investigation of flow processes in the open and closed channel [2] experimental flume with upper limit, made of transparent material [3] height-adjustable sill in the bottom of the experimental flume [4] water level adjustable via plate weir at the water outlet [5] simple conversion from open to closed channel [6] control structures for experiments in the open channel: broad-crested weir, narrow-crested weir, ogee-crested weir with ski jump spillway, sill, gate [7] fully flowed through experimental section and change in cross-section over sill for experiments in the closed channel [8] closed water circuit with supply tank and pump [9] transparent measuring tubes for measuring static pressure and total pressure Technical Data Experimental section - length: 1,1m - cross-section WxH: 40x300mm Supply tank: 70L Pump - power consumption: 250W - max. flow rate: 150L/min

Product Image (MTS-14009)

Flow Channel of Fluid Mechanics Lab Equipments

Price: 100 INR/Piece

Flow Channel of Fluid Mechanics Lab Equipments: Micro Teknik are offering a wide range of Flow Channel of Fluid Mechanics Lab Equipments.

Product Image (MTS-14011)

Losses In Piping Systems

Price: 100 INR/Piece

Losses In Piping Systems: We are considered in the market to be one of the leading manufacturers and suppliers of this Losses In Piping Systems. For the purpose of maintaining this reputation, we indulge in the use of the best quality raw materials that are available. Manufactured in compliance with the set industrial norms, the offered product is one of the best that is available in the market. The offered apparatus is used widely for the purpose of measuring the rate of friction. Specification Demo panel for investigating the pressure losses in pipes Demo panel on laboratory trolley 10 different pipe sections for experiments Pipe section selection using hose connections with rapid action hose couplings Standard measuring length of 1000mm for pipe friction measurements Manometer panel 300mmWG Double manometer 850mmWG Differential pressure measuring unit 0..2000mbar, battery operated Flow rate measurement with variable-area flowmeter 1600ltr/h

Product Image (MTS-14014)

Francis Turbine Test Rig

Price: 100 INR/Unit

Our company offers Francis Turbine Test Rig to our clients at reasonable price. This defect free Francis Turbine Test Rig, engineered with perfection gives exceptional performance, given to its good design and precise dimensions. Features of Turbine Test Rig Provided at market leading price Quality is recommendable Efficient functioning

Product Image (MTS-14010)

Rotating Tank Vortex Apparatus

Price: 100 INR/Piece

Rotating Tank Vortex Apparatus: Micro Teknik is manufacture, exporters & suppliers

Product Image (MTS-14005)

Impact Of Jet Apparatus

Price: 98 INR/Unit

Impact Of Jet Apparatus: Micro Teknik brings forward a unit that comprises a plexiglas tank, in which a water jet discharged from a nozzle hits a surface and is deflected. It includes four different test shapes with the deflection angles, such as plate 90, hemisphere 180, angled plate 45, cone 135. Scales loaded with weights measures the impact forces at the deflector. Learning Objectives / Experiments A hemisphere, an angled, a flat plate ans a cone are provided as deflector: Impulse-momentum; direct measurement of impact forces Flow rate and velocity effect Various deflection angles effect Specification Plexiglas made cylindrical operating area, diameter 200mm and height 340mm. Measurement of jet impact forces with weights. Four interchangeable deflectors. Unit mounted on base plate, 400x400x40mm (lxwxh) size and powder-coated steel plate.

Product Image (MTS-14003)

Venturi Meter Apparatus

Price: 100 INR/Unit

Venturi Meter:

Product Image (MTS-14018)

Falling Ball Viscometer

Price: 100 INR/Piece

Falling Ball Viscometer Micro Teknik The falling ball viscometer is ideal for measuring polymers, inks, solvents, oils, and raw materials. The borosilicate glass measuring tube provides excellent visibility of the ball. The measuring tube is jacketed by an outer glass tube which can be filled with a temperature controlled liquid combine the viscometer with a circulating bath (not included) for superior precision. Viscometer includes a thermometer with a range of -1 to 26šC with 0.1šC divisions. The measuring tube is inclined at a 10š angle. Measure the travel time as the ball slides down the tube through the sample liquid. The time it takes the ball to travel a portion of the tube correlates to the viscosity. The measuring tube pivots to return the ball to the starting point for repeated trials. Results are given as dynamic viscosity in the units of milliPascal seconds (mPas). To measure the viscosity of gases, purchase the optional glass ball. Specifications Product Type Falling Ball Viscometer Viscosity range 0.5 to 105 mPas Range Ball 1: 0.6 to 10 mPas Ball 2: 9 to 140 mPas Ball 3: 40 to 700 mPas Ball 4: 150 to 5000 mPas Ball 5: 5000 to 50,000 mPas Ball 6: 7500 mPas Wetted parts Falling tube: boron silica glass Balls 1 and 2: boron silica glass Balls 3 and 4: nickel iron alloy Balls 5 and 6: stainless steel Temp range -20 to 120šC (-4 to 248šF)

Product Image (MTS-14017)

Orifice And Jet Velocity Apparatus

Price: 100 INR/Piece

Orifice And Jet Velocity Apparatus: Micro Teknik are offering Orifice and Free Jet Flow A plexiglas cylinder is equipped with an adjustable overflow and scale which enables the height of the water column to be set and read accurately. 2 types of outlet nozzle can be compared. The trajectory of the jet can be traced using adjustable probes and recorded on a white panel. The water supply is provided either from the laboratory mains or using the HM 150 (closed water circuit). Learning Objectives / Experiments Discharge coefficient from nozzles of varying sizes and shapes Trajectory of the water jet for various discharge velocities Effect of the height of the water column on discharge velocity Specification [1] Unit for investigating the discharge from nozzles, for use with the HM 150 [2] Draining of a water-filled Plexiglass cylinder through a nozzle [3] Cylinder with adjustable overflow and scale [4] 2 exchangeable nozzles [5] 8 tracers and white panel to record the jet trajectory

Product Image (MTS-14004)

Flow Over A Notch

Price: 100 INR/Unit

Flow Over A Notch: Micro Teknik The unit consists of flow channel of proper length & width. The notch or weir is fitted, water supply is given at one end of channel. Water flow over notch or weir. Arrangement are made to measure the still level to determine the head.

Product Image (MTS-14026)

Aerodynamics Trainer

Price: 100 INR/Unit

Aerodynamics Trainer

Product Image (MTS-14023)

Fluid Mechanics Lab Equipments

Price: 100 INR/Piece

Micro Teknik is Manufacturer, Exporter & Supplier of Wholesale Fluid Mechanics Lab Equipments Suppliers Fluid Mechanics Models - Providing you the best range of Fluid Mechanics such as Computer Controlled Radial Flow Turbine, Hydrodynamics Trainer, Pipe Network Bench, Hydrodynamics Trainer / PC, Properties.

Product Image (MTS-14016)

Cavitation Demonstration Unit

Price: 100 INR/Unit

Cavitation Demonstration Unit Microteknik are Best manufacturer and Supplier Company in India,engaged in manufacturing supplying and exporting the best quality of Cavitation Demonstration Unit. By using advanced Technology Being customer centric brand, we are manufacturing and supplying supreme quality Cavitation Demonstration Unit for our esteemed customers. This Cavitation Demonstration Unit is processed using high quality raw material which ensures its standard quality and long service life. Our presented product passes through diverse quality parameters for inspection. Moreover, it can be availed from us at reasonable costs. Features: High load bearing capacity Compact design High performance

Product Image (MTFM-37)

Orifice Discharge Apparatus

Price: 100 INR/Unit

Orifice Discharge Apparatus : MTFM-37 The Orifice Discharge accessory comprises a cylindrical clear acrylic tank with an orifice fitted in the base. A traverse assembly enables a piton tube to be positioned anywhere in the jet. A fine wire is attached to this piton tube, which can be traversed across the jet to accurately measure the jet diameter as well as the vena contract diameter. It is helpful in determining the contraction coefficient. DEMONSTRATION CAPABILITIES Determining the contraction as well as velocity coefficients Calculating the discharge coefficient TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Piton tube and wire-on micrometer to measure jet velocity and diameter Quick-release fitting for convenient connection to Hydraulics Bench Cylindrical clear acrylic tank with orifice fitted in base 7 interchangeable orifices Educational software (optional) Traverse mechanism: Lead screw with adjusting nut calibrated 0.1mm per division Standard orifice: Sharp-edged 13mm diameter Max head: 365mm Note: The content and specification of the product are subject to change without any prior notice. Images shown are for only representation purpose. “MICROTEKNIK has the right to change the product content without any prior notice.

Product Image (MTS-14022)

Bernoulli Apparatus

Price: 100 INR/Unit

Bernoulli Apparatus

Product Image (MTFM-01A)

Open Wind Tunnel

Price: 100 INR/Unit

perform various experiments of aerodynamics and fluid flow. This is a open circuit Wind Tunnel provides a region of controlled air flow into which models can be fitted at downstream of working section. The Tunnel consists of bell mouth shaped entry to guide the air smoothly into settling chamber and stabilizes the air flow this follows working section for test section where various models can be tested. Test section with acrylic sheet, will be provided for visual observation. Working section is followed by diffuser section which reduces the dynamic pressure at the exit. A fan coupled with motor is used to produce desired wind velocity. Experimentation open Wind Tunnel Apparatus To plot speed curve for wind tunnel. T study pressure distribution around (A) aerofoil (B) Cylinder (C) Sphere. To measure lift and drag on aerofoil model. To study the development of boundary layer along a plate in Tunnel. Utilities Required : Electricity Supply : 3Phase, 440V AC, 3 KW Floor Area 10 x 3.5 m

Product Image (MTS-14001)

Calibration Of A Pressure Gauge

Price: 100 INR/Piece

Calibration Of A Pressure Gauge Pressure gauges are one of the most commonly used and relied upon instruments in today„s manufacturing environment. However, due to their great numbers, there is often a lack of attention given to pressure gauge calibration intervals and therefore reliability can become compromised. Due to these oversights, it is not uncommon to see many pressure gauges out of calibration, tagged out of service or not functional at all. This can become a real problem because if a plant is operating with a failed or out of calibration pressure gauge in a critical process, the quality of the product being produced or the safety of the plant may be at risk. Therefore, one goal of good process control is to establish a procedure to set and ensure pressure gauge calibration intervals are maintained. There are many different types of pressure gauges used in almost every manufacturing environment imaginable. PCS can calibrate these gauges either on site at your facility or in our controlled calibration laboratory.

Product Image (MTFM-30)

Series And Parallel Pump

Price: 100 INR/Unit

Series/Parallel Pumps MTFM-30 This product includes a fixed-speed pump assembly and an independent discharge manifold interconnected by flexible tubing along with quick-release connectors. This auxiliary pump can be used along with the basic Hydraulics Bench. The auxiliary pump is mounted on a support plinth, which stands adjacent to the hydraulics bench primary pump. MEASUREMENT CAPABILITIES A single centrifugal pump at a single speed Two similar pumps operate in a series configuration at similar speed Two similar pumps operate in a parallel configuration at similar speed TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Fixed-speed pump with same performance characteristics to pump in Hydraulics Bench All hoses and fittings for easy connection to Hydraulics Bench in either series or parallel configuration Mounted on floor-standing plinth with on/off switch Discharge manifold with flow control valve and pressure gauges Optional Educational software Pump : Centrifugal type Motor rating : 36 kW Max head : 21 m H2O Max flow : 35 l/s Compound gauge range : -10 to +32 m H2O Pressure gauge range : 0-60 m H2O ** Note: The product content and specification are subject to change without any prior notice for continuous improvement. Images shown are for only representation purpose. “MICROTEKNIK has the right to modify the product content and specifications without prior notice.

Product Image (MTFM-31)

Centrifugal Pump Unit

Price: 100 INR/Unit

Centrifugal Pump Unit: MTFM-31 This accessory comprises a variable-speed pump assembly and independent discharge manifold interconnected by flexible tubing with quick release connectors. This auxiliary pump is intended to be used in conjunction with the basic Hydraulics Bench. The auxiliary pump is mounted on a support plinth which stands adjacent to the Hydraulics Bench„s primary pump with which it is intended to be used. The pump speed is varied by an inverter drive. The motor speed output voltage and motor current can be monitored on the inverter display. MEASUREMENT CAPABILITIES Determining the relationship between head, discharge, speed, power and efficiency for a centrifugal pump at various speeds Determining the head/flow rate characteristics of two similar pumps operating in either parallel or series configuration at the same speed TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Variable-speed pump with similar performance characteristics to pump in Hydraulics Bench Mounted on floor-standing plinth with variable speed inverter drive Discharge manifold with flow control valve and pressure gauges All hoses and fittings supplied for easy connection to Hydraulics Bench in either series or parallel configuration Pump: Centrifugal type Max head: 21 m H2O Max flow: 1.35 l/s Motor rating: 0.36kW Speed controller: Frequency inverter Speed range: 0-1500 rpm Pressure gauge: 0-60 m H2O Compound gauge: -10 to +32 m H2O

Product Image (MTS-14015)

Centrifugal Fan Demonstrator

Price: 100 INR/Piece

Centrifugal Fan Demonstrator: Micro Teknik is manufacture, exporters & suppliers

Product Image (MTS-12063)

Pelton Turbine

Price: 100 INR/Piece

We are manufacturer and exporter of Fluid Mechanic Lab Equipment.

Product Image (MTS-12072)

Centrifugal Pump

Price: 100 INR/Piece

Centrifugal Pump Microteknik are Best manufacturer and Supplier Company in Indiacircuit test rig consists of a "kirloskar make" monoblock centrifugal pump. The pump is provided with a vacuum gauge on suction pipe and a pressure gauge on discharge pipe. The gate valve is used to adjust the head on the pump. The discharge is measured by measuring tank / water flow meter. The input power is measured by energy meter. Specifications: l. Centrifugal monoblock- 1 h.p. 2. Pressure gauge and vacuum gauge for measuring the head. 3. Measuring tank of 400x400 x400 mm OR Water flow energy meter for measuring the discharge. 4. Stop watch. 5. Sump tank of sufficient capacity. Services required i) 440 v, 15 A, stabilized three phase A.C. supply. ii) Floor area-2 mx2mxl.5m height iii) Tachometer for speed measurement (can be supplied at extra cost)

Product Image (MTS-12004)

Hydrostatic Pressure Apparatus

Price: 100 INR/Unit

Description: The weight of fluids at rest causes a pressure that is known as hydrostatic pressure or gravitational pressure. This pressure acts on any area that is in communication with the fluid, exerting a force that is proportional to the size of the area. The effect of hydrostatic pressure is highly important in many fields of engineering: in shipbuilding, in hydraulic engineering when designing locks and weirs, in sanitation and building services. The experimental unit offers typical experiments to study hydrostatic pressure in liquids at rest. The effect of the hydrostatic pressure of water can be clearly shown at different water levels and angles of inclination. The experimental unit consists of a transparent, tilting water tank with a scale for measuring volumes. Another scale is used to adjust the angle of inclination of the water tank. The device is balanced by a lever arm using different weights and the compressive force measured. The well-structured instructional material sets out the fundamentals and provides a step-by-step guide through the experiments. FEATURES Determination of forces on surfaces under hydrostatic pressure. SPECIFICATION Investigation of the hydrostatic pressure in fluids at rest. Tiltable water tank with fill level scale. Lever arm with different weights. TECHNICAL DATA Water tank inclination angle: 0- 90 content: 0...1,8L scale: 0...250mm effective area, max. 75x100mm Lever arm - max. length 250mm Weights - 1x 2,5N - 1x 2N - 2x 1N - 1x 0,5N

Product Image (MTS-11023)

Francis Turbine Apparatus

Price: 100 INR/Unit

Francis Turbine Specification of Francis Turbine: Function of a Francis turbine. Transparent front panel for observing the operating area. Loading the turbine by use of the band brake. Adjustable guide vanes for setting different angles of attack. Marking on brake drum for non-contact speed measurement. Instruments: spring balances for determining the torque, manometer shows pressure at turbine inlet Flow determination by base module . Water supply using the base module or via lab supply. Dimensions and Weights: L x W x H: 400x400x630mm Weight: approx: 17kg

Product Image (MTS-10556)

Energy Losses in Pipes Apparatus

Price: 99 INR/Unit

Energy Losses in Pipes Apparatus Specification of Energy losses in pipe: Investigation of pressure losses in piping elements and shut-off devices. Different measuring objects for determining flow rate according to the differential pressure method. Six pipe sections capable of being individually shutoff, with different piping elements: sudden contraction, sudden enlargement, Y-pieces, T-pieces, corners and bends. One pipe section to hold interchangeable shutoff/measuring objects. Measuring objects made of transparent material: Venturi nozzle, orifice plate flow meter and measuring nozzle. Shut-off devices: angle seat valve, gate valve. Annular chambers allow measurement of pressure without interaction. 2 twin tube manometers for measuring the pressure difference. Flow rate determined by base module. Water supply using base module or via laboratory supply.

Product Image (MTFM-06)

Air Flow Studies Apparatus

Price: 100 INR/Unit

Air Flow Studies: MTFM-06 The equipment comprises a long smooth walled pipe connected to the suction side of an electrically driven centrifugal fan. The fan discharge pipe terminates in a flow-control damper for closed-conduit work or a plate containing a small aperture for jet dispersion measurements. Air enters the smooth walled pipe through one of the two flow-measurement nozzles provided. Pressure tapings along the length of the pipe permit the pressure gradient to be determined. A bend or mitered cascade elbow may be fitted midway along the smooth wall pipe for comparison of pressure losses. Boundary layer growth is determined by the measurement of the velocity profile at five stations along the pipe using a traversing Piton tube. A conventional flow-measuring orifice plate is supplied for installing in the pipe upstream of the fan for additional demonstrations of pressure loss and recovery. Air-jet studies are carried out on the discharge side of the fan. A Piton tube is traversed vertically and horizontally at different distances from the discharge orifice to investigate the dispersion properties. The equipment is mounted on a floor-standing steel frame with an adjacent support for the extended suction pipe. Pressure measurements are made on a multi-tube inclinable manometer mounted on the support frame. FEATURES Alternative bends and bell mouth Orifice plate Piton traverse Jet Jet traverse Piton assembly DEMONSTRATION CAPABILITIES Practical demonstration of the quantitative flows in geometry described in the laws of conservation of mass and momentum Using manometers to measure pressure drop Using a Piton-static tube to measure flow Employing nozzles and orifices to measure flow Understanding and measuring velocity profiles Relating pressure loss in a duct to flow rate Measuring the flow resistance of duct fittings Understanding the use of Reynolds„ numbers Measuring the dispersion of a jet TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Centrifugal fan capacity: 218 l/s at STP Pipe velocity range: 0-35 m/s Inlet pipe: dia. 80 mm length: 2.75 m Interchangeable nozzles: dia. 50 mm and 80 mm Internal pipe orifice: dia. 50 mm Jet discharge pipe orifice: dia. 30 mm Manometer range: 0-283 mm H2O Manometer fluid: Kerosene (s.g. 0.78)

Product Image (MTS-10986)

Orifice and Free Jet Flow Apparatus

Price: 100 INR/Unit

Orifice And Jet Velocity Apparatus MICROTEKNIK are offering a wide range of Orifice And Jet Velocity Apparatus.Orifice and Free Jet Flow A plexiglass cylinder is equipped with an adjustable overflow and scale which enables the height of the water column to be set and read accurately. 2 types of outlet nozzle can be compared.

Product Image (MTS-10980)

Osborne Reynold Demonstration Apparatus

Price: 100 INR/Unit

Osborne Reynold Demonstration Apparatus: Description of Osborne Reynold Demonstration Apparatus: The Osborne Reynolds experiment is used to display laminar and turbulent flows. During the experiment it is possible to observe the transition from laminar to turbulent flow after a limiting velocity. The Reynolds number is used to assess whether a flow is laminar or turbulent. With the streamlines during laminar or turbulent flow are displayed in colour with the aid of an injected contrast medium .The experimental results can be used to determine the critical Reynolds number. Specification of Osborne Reynold Demonstration Apparatus Visualization of laminar and turbulent flow in the Osborne Reynolds experiment. Water as flowing medium and ink as contrast medium. Vertical glass pipe section. Water tank with glass beads to stabilize the flow. Flow rate in the pipe section can be adjusted via a valve. Flow rate determined by base module.

Product Image (MTS-10558)

Flowmeter Measurement Apparatus

Price: 100 INR/Unit

Flowmeter Measurement Apparatus Description of Flow Measurement Apparatus: This experiment has been established to investigate the relationships existing between the rate of flow, pressure, and the thickness of the filter cake. Once these relationships are determined for a particular filter press, the size of the ancillary equipment (i.e. pumps and piping) can be determined. The apparatus in our laboratory can be operated in two modes; constant inlet pressure to the filter, or constant filtrate flow rate from the filter. Students will investigate both modes of operation experimentally. Finally, the knowledge gained will be used to design a plate-and-frame filter press operation. Specification of Flow Measurement Apparatus: Piping system, 8mm nominal bore. Venturimeter, transparent, made of clear Acrylic and having convergent and divergent portions, throat diameter 18mm, maximum diameter: 30mm, upstream taper: 1500, downstream taper: 600. Number of static pressure taps 8. Orifice plate, 30mm nominal diameter. Turbine flow meter, 2 liters/s max. flow rate. Multi-tube manometer, 0-300 mm column, No. of tubes: 6 with hand pump. Measurements: Static pressures along the venturimeter. Static pressures across orifice plate. Flow rate using turbine flow meter. Actual volume flow rate using Hydraulic Bench or graduated tank.

Product Image (MTS-10211)

Pascal Apparatus

Price: 100 INR/Unit

Specification of Pascal Apparatus: Lever arm with sliding weight and spirit level measures force at the base of the vessel. Three alternative glass vessels supplied: Parallel sided, Conical and Tapering. Flexible diaphragm retained by ring for ease of replacement. Height adjustable pointer allows all vessels to be filled to a common depth.

Product Image (MTS-10936)

Flow Over Weirs Apparatus

Price: 100 INR/Unit

Flow Over Weirs Apparatus Introduction of Flow over weirs apparatus A weir is an overflow structure extending across a stream or a channel and normal to the direction of the flow. They are normally categorized by their shape as either sharp-crested or broad-crested. This laboratory experiment focuses on sharp-crested weirs only. Two different types of weirs will be introduced: 1- The V-notch weir. 2- The rectangular weir (horizontal weir with end contractions). Objective: To Study the Discharge over different type of notches. Specification of Flow over weirs apparatus: Dimensions of rectangular notch: Height=82mm, width=30mm. Angle of V notch weir: 900 inclusive. Hook and point gauge range: 0 to 150mm. Accuracy: 0.1mm. Overall dimension of weir plates: Height=190.5mm, Width=178mm, Thickness=4mm.

Product Image (MTS-10903)

Kaplan Turbine Test Rig

Price: 100 INR/Unit

Kaplan Turbine Test Rig:

Product Image (MTS-10222)

Basic Metacentric Height Apparatus

Price: 100 INR/Piece

Basic Metacentric height apparatus Description of Basic Metacentric Height Apparatus: The equipment consists of a plastic rectangular floating pontoon, whose centre of gravity can be varied by an adjustable weight, which slides and can be clamped in any position on a vertical mast. A single plumb-bob is suspended from the mast, which indicates the angle of heel on a calibrated scale.A weight with lateral adjustment enables the degree of heel to be varied and hence the stability of the pontoon determined. The equipment does not require a separate water tank as it may be used on the Hydraulics Bench by filling the volumetric tank.

Product Image (MT-102013)

Disc Bowl Centrifuge

Price: 100 INR/Unit

Descriptions of Disc Bowl Centrifuge The Disc Bowl Centrifuge is designed to provide practical training in the technique of separating a heavy phase liquid from a lighter phase.

Product Image (MT-101715)

Plate and Frame Filter Press

Price: 10 INR/Piece

Plate And Frame Filter Press Technical Description Plate And Frame Filter Presses Are Used In The Beverage Industry, For Example, To Clarify Intermediate Products. A Suspension Of Diatomite And Water (Recommended) Is Prepared In A Stirred Tank. The Stirrer Ensures That The Solid Remains Suspended And Does Not Settle. A Pump Delivers The Suspension Into The Individual Separating Chambers Of The Plate And Frame Filter Press. A Separating Chamber Is Formed By One Filter Frame And Two Filter Plates. The Filter Plates Are Grooved And Covered Over With Filter Cloths. The Filtrate Passes Through The Filter Cloth And Flows Via The Grooves In The Plates Into A Collecting Pipe. The Filtrate Exits The Plate And Frame Filter Press Through The Collecting Pipe And Is Collected In The Filtrate Tank. The Solid Material Is Separated Off At The Filter Cloth, Where It Forms A Growing Filter Cake. As The Filter Cake Becomes Thicker, Its Flow Resistance Also Increases. When The Separating Chamber Is Full, Or A Maximum Pressure Difference Has Been Reached, The Filtration Process Is Ended. The Plates And Frames Of The Plate And Frame Filter Press Are Pulled Apart. The Filter Cake Can Be Removed. For The Next Filtration The Plates And Frames Must Be Pushed Back Together. A Spindle Is Used To Press Them Together. The Press Forces Ensure That The Suspension Does Not Leak From The Contact Points Between The Plates And The Frames, But Is Forced Through The Filter Cloth. The Flow Rate Through The Plate And Frame Filter Press Is Adjusted By A Valve. The Pressure Occurring During Filtration Is Indicated On A Manometer. The Filtrate Tank Is Scaled. This Means A Stopwatch Can Be Used To Measure The Flow Rate. An Included Opacimeter Allows The Solid Concentration Of The Filtrate To Be Determined. A Drying Chamber Is Recommended For Evaluation Of The Experiments.

Product Image (MT-101411)

Fluid Friction Apparatus

Price: 100 INR/Piece

Fluid Friction Apparatus Shows flow and losses in different pipes, fittings and valves. Shows popular flow measurement instruments. A space-saving vertical panel that works with Gravimetric or Volumetric Hydraulic Benches for easy installation Includes different valves, pipes and fittings to show losses Includes experiments on roughened pipes Shows laminar and turbulent flow Uses Bernoullis equation Shows how to use Venturi and orifice meters to measure flow Includes a traversing Pitot tube to measure velocity profile Fluid Friction Apparatus allows students to study flow, flow measurement techniques and losses in a wide variety of pipes and fittings. The equipment has three water circuits with instruments,pipes and pipe system components. These allow students to examine and compare the different component characteristics. A hydraulic bench (Gravimetric ) or Volumetric , available separately) supplies the circuit with a controlled flow of water. A space-saving vertical panel holds all the parts for easy use. To measure pressure loss across components, students use a piezometer set and differential pressure gauge (included). To perform experiments students record the temperature of water in the hydraulic bench and set the hydraulic bench to pump water through a circuit. They measure pressure losses across instruments or components. The hydraulic bench gives an external flow rate for reference and comparison. The flow measurement instruments show students the common methods of measuring water flow. They also give applications of the steady flow energy equation (Bernoulls equation). Students use a Venturi meter and an orifice plate meter and compare the losses of each. They also find the losses in a rapid enlargement. The equipment also includes a Pitot-static tube. By traversing the Pitot across the pipe diameter, students can find the velocity profile and flow coefficients. They also find the relationship between the flow rate and pressure differential.An artificially roughened pipe allows students to study friction factor at different Reynolds numbers, covering the interesting transitional flow from laminar to turbulent.They can compare results to those predicted by Nickuradses results and a Moody chart. Standard Features Supplied with a comprehensive user guide Two-year warranty Manufactured in accordance with the latest Indian Union directives

Product Image (MT-101713)

Energy Losses in Bend

Price: 100 INR/Unit

Energy Losses in Bend Microteknik are manufacturer and exporter of Energy Losses in Bend Fitting Pipes. This Energy Losses in Bends and Fittings Model has been designed for students experiment on the investigation of energy losses in pipe bends and fittings including valves. The equipment is mounted on a free-standing framework supporting the test pipe work and instrumentation.

Product Image (MTFM-32)

Cavitation Demonstration Unit

Price: 100 INR/Unit

DEMONSTRATION CAPABILITIES Observation of the phenomenon of cavitations in a liquid Comparison of theoretical and actual pressure at cavitations conditions Observation of air-release due to dissolved gases in a liquid Demonstration of reducing cavitations by increasing the static pressure in a liquid TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Circular Venturi-shaped test section manufactured from clear acrylic for full visualization of cavitations Three Bourdon gauges indicate the static pressure upstream of the contraction inside the throat and downstream of the expansion in the test section Flow-control valves upstream and downstream of the test section enable flow conditions to be optimized for the demonstration of cavitations Quick-release fitting for easy connection to Hydraulics Bench Upstream pressure gauge:- Diameter: 63mm Range: 0 to 1 bar Throat vacuum gauge:- Diameter: 100 mm Range: -1 to 0 bar Downstream pressure gauge:- Diameter: 63 mm Range: 0 to -1 bar Note: The content of the product and specification are subject to change without prior notice for continuous improvement. Images shown are for representation purpose only. “MICROTEKNIK keeps the right to modify the content in the product without prior notice.

Product Image (MT-101714)

Bernoullis Theorem Demonstration

Price: 100 INR/Unit

Specifications stainless steel structure 7 tubes pressure gauge, range 0 500 mm Diameter of venture tube : 20 mm Venturi tube throat diameter : 10 mm Upstream taper : 14 Downstream taper : 21 Dimension : 650 x 400 x 850 mm

Product Image (MT-101423)

Computerised Flow Meter Caliberation Equipment

Price: 100 INR/Piece

Computerised Flow Meter Caliberation Equipment

Product Image (MT-101429)

Flow Channel

Price: 100 INR/Piece

Flow Channel Flow Channel equipment allows the student to study water flow in an open channel and also verify the Chzy equation and Mannings Friction Factor. It is designed for use with Hydraulics Bench fitted with Auxiliary Pump Unit, but can be used as a standalone unit when connected to a suitable water supply and drain. The channel is supplied with weir, scales and tilt capability.

Product Image (MT-101424)

Pressure Measurement and Calibration

Price: 100 INR/Unit

Pressure Measurement & Calibration This apparatus enables a commercial Bourdon tube pressure gauge to be accurately calibrated using a dead weight tester. Usual practice is to load gauges using oil to transmit the known pressures; however. For ease of use and cleanliness in operation, this apparatus is specially deigned for use with water instead of oil. This equipment consists of a stainless piston which is free to move vertically in a closely fitting cylinder. A transparent flexible hose connects the cylinder to the pressure gauge. Its internal mechanism is clearly visible through the transparent dial. Integral with the piston is a loading platform upon which known weights are placed during the test. All air is expelled from the system by tilting and gently tapping the cylinder.

Product Image (MT-101422)

Sharp Edge Orifice Meter

Price: 100 INR/Piece

Sharp Edge Orifice Meter We are manufacturers of finest Sharp Edge Orifice Meter in India and also supplies and exporters Sharp Edge Orifice Meter around the world at best prices. To enquire Sharp Edge Orifice Meter, please fill below form. We WILL be back with you Measurement of two phase flow is very important for geothermal steam field management. Existing measurements techniques are reviewed and the advantages of the sharp edge orifice plate are presented. Existing two phase flow correlations using the orifice plate are examined using field data from several geothermal fields. It was demonstrated that none of the existing correlations can be universally applied without case by case calibration. A new time discreet model was developed and tested and is currently used by the geothermal industry.

Product Image (MT-101421)

Flow through an Orifice Apparatus

Price: 100 INR/Piece

Flow through an Orifice Apparatus To be used with Hydraulics Bench. For measurement of contraction and velocity and discharge coefficients for orifice discharge. Clear acrylic cylinder with adjustable constant head. Water admittance via wire mesh discharge head. Orifice at the bottom of the cylinder. Traverse assembly below the cylinder, with wire and pitot tube. The wire measures jet diameter, pitot tube measures jet velocity. Velocity head on pitot tube and total head are indicated on manometer tubes.

Product Image (MT-101427)

Basic Hydrology Apparatus

Price: 10 INR/Piece

BASIC HYDROLOGY APPARATUS GENERAL DESCRIPTION of Fluid Machines Lab Equipment The apparatus is a self contained unit for studying basic hydrology. It consists of a large stainless steel rectangular tank with adjustable tilting mechanism. The tank is filled with a granular medium. Two separate sets of four spray nozzles above the tank simulate rain fall on the catchments. The tank upper walls are transparent. Valve control of the nozzles varies the lag time on the hydrograph to simulate a moving storm. The compartments at each end of the tank are connected to the catchment area by wire mesh to allow flow between the compartment and the catchment. Two wells with valve control are also provided at the middle of the tank. Twenty pressure tappings along the orthogonal axes of the tank to measure water table profile by a manometer bank. TECHNICAL DATA . Tank :Stainless steel 100 cm wide x 200 cm long x 19 cm high. . Inclination : 0-3% . End compartments : 2 ea. . Wells : 2 ea. . Spray nozzles : 8 nozzles with separate shutoff valves. . Flow measurement Rain water : Variable area flow meter. Run off : Calibrated weir. . Manometer : 1 ea. . Upper walls : Clear acrylic. . Accessories : - Rectangular ring, circular ring, confined equifer, cylindrical pier. . Power supply : 220 V, 1 Ph, 50 Hz. Other power supply is available on request. TYPICAL TESTS . Investigation of rainfall/runoff relationships for dry, saturated and impermeable catchments of various slopes for surface runoff. . Effect of interflow on outflow hydrograph . Simulation of multiple and moving storms. Cone of depression for single well and interaction of cones of depression for two adjacent wells. De-watering of excavation sites by use of wells. Flow from a well in a confined aquifer. Demonstration of watersheds for a simulated island with rainfall and well flows. Sediment transport and meanders in simulated rivers. A metal frame supports the tank and houses a storage tank. Water is drawn from the storage tank by a pump and separately supplied to the overhead nozzles and/or the two end compartments via a flow meter and pipings with valve control. Run-off from the catchment is measured by a calibrated rectangular weir or returns directly to the storage tank.

Product Image (MT-101425)

Computerized Pressure Gauge Calibration Equipment

Price: 10 INR/Piece

Computerized Pressure Gauge Calibration Equipment Offered come developed using latest technology support and comprises working component support like reverse valve, relieve valve, hand pump, lead screw and others. The equipment also comes with high sealing support and meets the demands of delivering stable pressure generation. Some of its features include simple operation support, suitable for laboratory applications, meet the demands of supplying pressure for transmitter, precision pressure gauge and other pressure instruments.

Product Image (MT-101423)

Computerised Pressure Measurement Bench

Price: 100 INR/Piece

Computerised Pressure Measurement Bench This computerised pressure measurement bench is a complete laboratory bench for test and calibration of the various elements of pressure readings as defined by new specifications for the industry. The unit is also an excellent test bench for all other disciplines which involve measuring and generating pressure. All pressure gauges are supplied with easy-to-read dial scales so that students are able to compare figures from documented records with how the pressure gauges are constructed in reality.

Product Image (MT-101426)

Computerized Venturi Meter

Price: 100 INR/Piece

Computerized Venturi Meter Our hardworking teams help us engage in the manufacture of highly qualitative Computerized Venturi Meter These are made using quality-approved raw materials in compliance with industrial guidelines. These are rigorously tested by our team of well-qualified quality analysts for efficiency. These are widely used apparatus in the civil engineering industry and are highly acclaimed for being sturdy and durable. These are also exported overseas in order to facilitate easy access by clients based abroad. These are priced economically. Features: Reasonably priced. Quality-tested. Sturdy design.

Product Image (MT-101418)

Free Forced Convection System

Price: 100 INR/Unit


Product Image (MTFM-12)

Pipe Surge and Water Hammer Apparatus

Price: 100 INR/Unit

Pipe Surge And Water Hammer Apparatus MTFM-12 Pipe surge and water hammer are two related but independent phenomena which arise when fluid flowing in a pipe is accelerated or decelerated. The associated pressure transients can be damaging to pipe work or components and systems must be designed to avoid or with stand them. The equipment designed by clearly demonstrates the different effects resulting from gradual or instantaneous changes in fluid velocity. Effect of initial fluid velocity can also be investigated. Pipe surge resulting from a gradual change in fluid velocity is clearly seen as fluctuating changes in head in a surge shaft. DEMONSTRATION CAPABILITIES Demonstration of pipe surge Determination of oscillatory characteristics of the surge shaft Demonstration of frictional head loss between reservoir and surge shaft Comparison between theoretical and measured pressure profiles produced by water hammer Using a dual trace storage oscilloscope to record transient water hammer pressure profiles Measuring the pressure profile characteristics Determination of the velocity of sound through a fluid in a pipe Demonstration of the effects of cavitations on subsequent cycles. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Pipe surge test pipe: stainless steel 22 mm I/D x 3 m long Surge shaft : clear acrylic 40 mm I/D x 800 mm H Service pump: centrifugal type, delivering 1.35 liters/sec at 3 m H20 Flow rate measurement: volumetric tank, stepped 0-40 liter high flows 0-6 liter low flows Head tank: capacity 45 liters A self-contained unit designed to demonstrate the phenomena of pipe surge and water hammer. The unit includes two separate test pipes, service module and constant head tank. Two pressure transducers provide electrical signals for connection to a dual trace storage oscilloscope with an integral printer output. Straight pipes are used, rather than a coiled arrangement, to reduce distortion of the pressure wave. ** Note: The content of the product and specification are subject to change without prior notice for continuous improvement. Images shown are for representation purpose only. “MICROTEKNIK keeps the right to modify the content in the product without prior notice.

Product Image (MT-101413)

Flow Through Non Circular Pipe

Price: 100 INR/Unit

Flow Through Non Circular Pipe

Product Image (MT-101414)

Pipe Networks Bench

Price: 100 INR/Piece

Pipe Networks Bench

Product Image (MT-101417)

Free and Forced Vortex Flow

Price: 100 INR/Unit

Free and Forced Vortex Flow Free and Forced Vortex Flow apparatus offered by us has been painstakingly designed by our team of expert professionals. This apparatus enables the researchers to determine the shape of the vortex profile. With the accuracy of the results it provides, this apparatus is very popular in the market. Created using optimum quality materials and cutting edge technology, this delivers flawless performance. We subject it to quality tests based on multiple parameters before making it available to the customers. Range Of Experiments: To visualize the forced & free vortex phenomenon. To plot the shape of vortex profile i.e. vertical height vs horizontal radius.

Product Image (MT-101412)

Flow Through Circular Pipe

Price: 100 INR/Unit

We are reliable manufacturer of high quality FLOW THROUGH CIRCULAR PIPE. Quality approved raw material are used in the manufacturing process, while meeting all industrial norms and guidelines. It finds use in civil engineering labs, where applications involve friction between fluids of several kinds. This can be easily set up and installed. Customers can buy this in any specifications.


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